35+ Mesothelioma Que Enfermedad Es Gif

35+ Mesothelioma Que Enfermedad Es
. Learn more about diagnosis, staging and treatment. The most common area affected is the lining of the lungs and chest wall.

Mesotelioma Pleural Maligno
Mesotelioma Pleural Maligno from scielo.isciii.es

Find out about the symptoms, causes, treatments and. Learn more about diagnosis, staging and treatment. Actualmente se investiga sobre una prueba de diagnóstico precoz del mesotelioma.

Los signos y síntomas de mesotelioma maligno incluyen dificultad para respirar.

A pesar del tratamiento con quimioterapia, radioterapia o cirugía, la enfermedad no tiene buen pronóstico. Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer. The most common (and treatable) is epithelioid, followed by biphasic and sarcomatoid. Mesothelioma is cancer of the lining that covers most of the body's organs.